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St. Edwards Dog Training Club
St.Mary’s Church Hall,
Worlds End Lane, Green Street Green,
Kent, BR6 6AG

Tuesday Evenings

St.Mary’s Church Hall,
Worlds End Lane, Green Street Green,
Kent, BR6 6AG

Wednesday Evenings

St.Mary’s Church Hall,
Worlds End Lane, Green Street Green,
Kent, BR6 6AG

About ST. Edwards dog training club

Jenny Harknett, KCAI (Cd.Ob)

Jenny Harknett, KCAI (Cd.Ob) is one of the club instructors. She is a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor in Dog Training and Canine Behaviour. Jenny takes the Improvers Course on Tuesday evenings at Crofton Hall in Orpington, which is open to dogs of all breeds, ages and sizes. This class is for ongoing training after the puppy course, and is also suitable for rehomed/rescue young dogs who need to learn some basic exercises and some new tricks. Jenny has been teaching dog training classes for many years, both for pet obedience and for competitive obedience. Jenny also instructs one of the Competitive Obedience classes on a Wednesday night at our Green Street Green hall. Jenny owns five dogs, and has been competing successfully in Competitive Obedience for over thirty years, including qualifying for Crufts in 2013 with her collie, Flint, as part of the Southern Team in the Inter-Regional Obedience Event.

Jenny Harknett with two of her dogs
Jenny Harknett at Crufts
Alison Shaw training with her dog walking to heal
Alison Shaw training with her dog sitting presenting in front
Alison Shaw sitting with her dog

Alison Shaw

Alison Shaw is another of our instructors.  Alison teaches on both Tuesday evenings (Puppy Course) and on Wednesday evenings (Introduction to Competitive Obedience).  Alison also has many years experience in instructing classes and owns two collies herself, who she competes with at obedience shows.

Our other regular instructor, and Chairman of our club, is Judy Weight who co-instructs both the Puppy Course and the Improvers Course, and also assists with instructing on a Wednesday evening.  Judy has many years experience of teaching dog classes, and has a collie who is currently competing at the top level of Obedience.